Monday, February 4, 2013

Acne treatment ? The facts | Tips on Food Fitness Life Love



Acne treatment can be really problematic. People tend to face considerable decrease in their self esteem. This is due to a lot of ugly scars and pimples one need to face on their facial skin due to acne. This is the reasons that the marketplace is full of products that claim to treat acne.

Acne is technically known as acne vulgaris. It is a type of skin disorder that has affected millions of people across the globe. This disease mainly affects the adolescents.

Acne can be categorized in two main types namely; inflammatory and non inflammatory.

a) Inflammatory acne:
This type of acne is characterized by inflamed whiteheads that ultimately result in the development of pustules and pimples. Most people consider this type of acne as the most severe for as it usually appear in the form of deep up to and pitting scars on the neck, face, back and chest. This can be quite disfiguring. This type of acne can be serious and should be treated only with prescription drugs. One may also require to go under the knife to treat acne.

b) Inflammatory acne:
This type of acne can be characterized by some blackheads and whiteheads on the face. One can treat this type of acne with the help of non prescription drugs available over-the-counter at various medical stores.

There are several types of acne treatment suggested by medical practitioners, these days. Taking non-prescription drugs for acne is very common. Here is a list of some of the most common non prescription medicine available for treating acne:

a) Salicylic acid

b) Resorcinol

c) Sulfur

d) Benzoyl peroxide

Apart from treating acne with the options available on the market, you need to keep in mind the hygiene factors required to treat acne completely. You need to keep in mind that washing face with a medicated soap twice a day is very important.

Make sure that the medicated soap is best suited for acne conditions of your facial skin. It should be free of any fragrance.

You also require to meet an experienced dermatologist in order to make sure that your facial skin is free of any problems. Also make sure that you don?t pick at pimples, squeeze your blackheads as these activities may injure your skin.

Remember that only a dermatologist can decide whether the acne type you are suffering from is moderate, mild or severe. You would be suggested the treatment accordingly. You may prevent scars only by keeping your hands away from your facial skin and maintaining good hygiene such as washing your face twice a day and keeping your bed sheets pillow covers and towels clean.

Microdermabrasion is another treatment option to remove scars of acne from facial skin. The treatment helps in enhancing overall skin tone and also prevent acne breakouts in the near future.

This treatment option is also effective in removing wrinkles, scars and sun spots from facial skin.

Laser treatment is also effective in treating acne scars wherein laser or broadband visible light is used.


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Tags: acne scar treatment, acne treatment products, acne treatments, Inflammatory acne treatments, Laser treatment, Non -Inflammatory acne treatments, products for acne treatment, skin acne treatments


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